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Hi :)
Sorry i only just got down this far in my emails list.  Please ignore my last 
post in this thread
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Tom Cloyd <>
Sent: Mon, 20 June, 2011 8:17:46
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] List box not updating field with bound value

On 06/19/2011 06:48 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Hopefully this is in Base rather than Calc.
Good guess...since I didn't exactly say. Sorry.
The 2 tables need to be connected
by some sort of relationship.
One would think. Yet, use of the Tools > Relationship functionality makes no 
difference at all to my results. I find that amazing. I guess Frieder got it 
right when he said that list boxes in LO simply supply contents, and NOT record 
keys. Not good, if true, although that IS what appears to be happening. It would 
also account for the non-persistence of my list box selection. A text field 
placed into an integer field should die a quick death, and it appears to be 
doing that. I THOUGHT I was getting the key field for the selected record. Not 
happening though.
I don't think spreadsheets work as relational
Agreed. Spreadsheets don't have record keys, so no relation is possible. They 
can be used as read-only data sources in LO, though, I believe. Haven't tried 
this yet.
One of the 'obvious' 'easy answers' (and therefore most commonly
missed)  is if the relationship is not defined in Base.
Well, it's not defined in Access either until done explicitly, and that is 
certainly possible also in Base. Doing this doesn't affect the problem at all, 

The more I think about it, the more I become convinced that Frieder nailed it. I 
have to test this, but I think what's happening is that the list box selection I 
make simply produces the contents of the selected record. That shows up briefly 
in the text box, but cannot go from there to the record field underlying it, as 
THAT is an interger (to hold a key field's contents), and the list box selection 
is a text string.

OK...if so, then I need a macro to write the key of the selected  record into 
the appropriate record field of my main table. oh, I'm not looking forward to 
this...I don't even know where to go to learn about LO Basic's object model, nor 
do I know where the language reference is. But if it's the only way then...

I'm afraid there NO documentation anywhere on this.

Thanks for your thoughts!

(and I'm still going to show up on the Base documentation list, probably 

It might be defined in
Access but it's worth checking that Base shows the same thing.

Thanks and regards from
Tom :)

From: Frieder<>
Sent: Sun, 19 June, 2011 12:53:44
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] List box not updating field with bound value

Am 19.06.2011 11:07, schrieb Tom Cloyd:
I know this is complicated, but I'll try to be simple and clear.

I'm building a form that displays a single record at a time from a table, as 
set of text boxes. The form displays all data in the table by moving
successively to each record. Every field except the primary key field can be

Are you using Calc or Base??
And do you automatic initialise the form ore do you use a macro to initialise
the form and fill it with contents?
I have a list box bound to one of the fields. It displays a field from 
table (which has only a key field and a data field - text). That table has 
a few records. It's sole purpose is to contain the list to be display in the
list box.

My intention is that selecting a value from the list box will cause the field
in the main table to be updated by the key of the record containing the 
list item in the list table. That key is field #1 in that table, so my bound
value is 1.

The list is displaying perfectly. However, in the form, the field to which 
list box is bound displays nothing, ever. It DOES initially have a value, and
certainly should after I make a list box selection. It just never shows any
value, however. Moreover, looking at the main table's record outside of the 
shows that it contains only "0", regardless of which list item I select.


1. Why is no value ever displayed in the form, even though there IS a value 
the record? In MS Access, it would show, I believe.
2, Why is the selected list item's key never updated into the master table
field. It IS bound, according to the property dialog.

It would bee much easier to help you if you put the document online, so
everybody can test it and see what is the best solution for your problem
1.There is a big difference between MS Listboxes and LO-Listboxes.
In MS you can address items in a list-box by there key number, in LO only by
there name.
2.You can connect a simple macro to the "list-box-change"  event that updates
the master table field.
I don't see my error, I'm afraid. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I'm not sure, if my suggestion is really what you want.

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