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Am 20.06.2011 14:14, schrieb Stephan Zietsman:
Does anyone know of a way to disable a macro in a document that has
already been opened?  Just to clarify, I don't mean "when opening a
document".  After I've opened a document and allowed macros to run, is
there a way to disable them later on, without having to close and
re-open the file?  A quick google search didn't answer my question.


As far as I know there is no possibility without having to close and re-open the file
But you can stop a running macro.
Therefore you first have to open the development environment by pressing the Strg+F11 keys.
Then choose the macro you want to stop, and click the edit button.
At the top-bar of the following window there should be a round read button with a X .
Press this button, and the macro should stop immediately.
I think it doesn't matter what macro you choose to edit, because all macros are stoped by Pressing the read button

regards Frieder

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