On 2011-06-19, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
Nuno J. Silva [mailto:nunojsilva@ist.utl.pt] wrote:
On 2011-06-19, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
The problem is that both Writer and Calc accept .txt, according to the
selections in the File | Open menu, but there is apparently no way to
prevent the .txt from going to Writer from File | Open even if the
Spreadsheets list of extensions has been selected.
There *is* a way, at least here with 3.3.3 (version details in
signature). If you pick the right file type (in the File -> Open file
picker), "Text CSV (*.csv;*.txt)" it opens in calc, no matter if the
name ends with .txt or with .csv.
I see the "Text CSV (*.csv;*.txt)" now. When I checked the File |
Open ... dialog before, the scroll bar was off the right of my display
[;<). That is *way* down there, huh?
It is. Well, it means LibO supports many formats.
But the list is really long, I wonder if someone is thinking about how
to make it easier to browse (if that's possible).
Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc Major Bug (continued)
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