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Hi :)
It opened fine on Ubuntu 10.10 using LibreOffice 3.3.2.  I don't think the OS is 
the issue, i think it's just that you were using the 'early adopters' version of 
LibreOffice and some of the experimental features are not quite smoothed out 

Can you try the 3.3.2 (or 3.3.3 released today i think) instead of the 3.4.0?  
It might be good to open a bug-report against the 3.4.0 but i have a feeling 
that the problem will just evaporate in the 3.4.1 release anyway.
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

From: Frieder <>
Sent: Fri, 17 June, 2011 18:52:53
Subject: [libreoffice-users] crash with  LO 3.4.0 Calc

I'm running Windows7 Professional  and LibreOffice 3.4.0 .
If I open a normal spreadsheet in Calc without macros  there is no problem.
But if I open the document "WurzelmanagerCalcVersion1.2.5.2.ods" which I send 
you in the addition, LO  crashes.
(you can also download the document on my web page:
The massage says:
"LiebreOffice isn't working any longer. We are working to fix the problem soon."
This is just a free translation of the German massage. Thee original text may 
differ a bit.

I created this document with LibreOffice 3.2.0 (where it worked) .
It contains  about 1800 lines of macro code written in Basic. (badly documented 
in  German)
The macro   which probably caused the crash is located in the 
library"File-name"- "Standard"-"DieseArbeitsmappe" and is called "File_open" . 
This macro is connected to the file open event.
The macro starts sum subroutines:
1. "Standard"-"DieseArbeitsmappe" sub "Workbook"      (Global definition of 
sheets as Objects)
2.  "Standard"-"Internetabfrage" sub  "Versionsnummer_abfragen"              
'(web  enquiry )
3.  "Standard"-"Internetabfrage" sub  "Internetabfrage_Info"                    
     '(web  enquiry )
and eventually later if you agree to a MsgBox. But LiebreOffice crashed before 
the MsgBox appeared on the screen.
4.  "Standard"-"Internetabfrage" sub "Download_Alle_Accounts"                  
'(web  enquiry )

I did not test the document with the macro "File_open" disabled, so I'm not sure 
this macro really coursed the crash. Now I installed LiebreOffice 3.3.3, where  
no crashes appear.

I hope I could help you to improve LibreOffice, to make it's latest version more 


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