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Hi :)
I think i would summarise by saying that it might be worth sticking with what 
you already use and then upgrade to the 3.3.3 a couple of weeks after it is 
released (so, in about a month or so).  

More detail ... 
The 3.3.x releases have about a years worth of support so there is no real need 
to upgrade.  But as Cor said there are new features and fixes so trying to kep 
constantly updated can be interesting.  

The 3.4.x branch is the testing/development branch so that people can try out 
ultra new features before they reach the stable 3.3.x.
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

From: Cor Nouws <>
Sent: Thu, 9 June, 2011 19:40:25
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO updates

Hi David,

David B Teague sr wrote (09-06-11 18:13)
OO.o 3.x checked periodically for updates but I cannot find any such
feature in LO 3.3.0. Is there such a feature? If so, how do I turn
it on?
No, there isn't , so I can't explain how to turn it on ;-)

I understand 3.3.2 is out. Should I update?
Should and free software - a special combination.
In general, of course using a newer version gives more fun.
Since 3.3.2 is a bug fix release on 3.3.x, it will only give you advantages. But 
it depends on your use, if they are really needed for you.
There may be some useful info for you in the release notes

Also: threre is a point zero release available, for if you like to work with new 
versions and can cope with some known bugs. See here

All covered from

And as last, there is also a RC1 for 3.3.3. So within a week or so, a final 
3.3.3 is expected. See

Though I explained much more then you were asking for, I hope it didn't bother 
If anything unclear, pls write again.


--  - Cor

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