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Am 08.06.2011, 23:07 Uhr, schrieb Steve Edmonds <>:

OO and LO print EPS correctly for me to non-eps printers (my epson C87), printing the vector graphics cleanly. Mac and Linux, both use CUPS as the print engine. Are you printing from Linux, what printer driver are you using.
Very strange, for me they definitely do not print correctly.
I'm printing from my Windows XP PC to a Canon iP5000, and all I get is the same as in the PDF export, which is the eps preview image. This may have to do with how the preview looks like, maybe? Some EPS files have a very hi-res preview, and as I just learned from Microsoft, Word creates one of its own. I usually add a very low-res preview to the EPS at creation. I've attached an example with a very coarse preview (and a SVG version for comparison).
I'm very curious if you can
- print it directly from LO to a non-eps printer, and
- convert it to pdf
while getting the full verctor graphics goodness out of it.
You should be able to zoom fairly far in, and you should also be able to see the different thicknesses of the coloured curves versus the hairline tangential lines. If I even just put them into a writer document, it looks pretty ridiculous already, and the pdf looks just as bad.

I think this should clearly show the use of having a properly embeddable and printable vector image format.
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