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Hello Krackedpress

The 2 systems on which I have tried LO 3.4.0 are Slackware 13.37 and Puppy  
Linux Wary 5.1.2. The printer itself is a Brother DCP7030 whose linux  
driver is supplied via the Brother website. Neither of these systems have a  
printing problem with LO 3.2.2. LO has never before given trouble when  
printing via any version of CUPS

Something has been changed in the latest LO 3.4.2 to stop printing working.  
I suspect it may be a permissions problem with USB.



On , "krackedpress [via Document Foundation Mail Archive]"  
<> wrote:

On 06/05/2011 11:06 AM, tronkel wrote:
Has anyone had a printing problem with 3.4.0?
3.2.2 was fine in this regard
3.4.0 shows a correctly installed CUPS printer but refuses to actually  
the job.
What has changed between the two versions?
What Linux distro are you using? I have to switched to 3.4.0 yet with
my Ubuntu 10.04LTS 64-bit system. I am waiting for 3.4.1 [maybe] due
out at the end of the month.

Are you having any problems with any other printer? I know that my
Epson uses CUPS, but I do not know if my two HP printers do, since they
had to use a "make" command to "compile" something before use. The
Epson did not do that, just needed to install something that, I was
read, connected itself to CUPS to work properly.

Did you try to reinstall CUPS?
Do you have more than one CUPS printer to try? How about the CUPS PDF
printer, does it work?

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