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Hello LO Users,

 * I applied the same styles using Conditional Formatting earlier to 1 total
 column on each of 8 sheets within a single document.

 * I then protected the first 7 sheets - with no password - so they could
 not be accidentally altered as modifying values in any one of the 7 sheets
 changes the total column on sheet 8.

 * The current sheet, sheet 8, is not protected.

 It is now not possible to modify any styles for the current sheet (sheet 8)
 without first unprotecting the other 7 sheets. This is a bit of a pain, but
 I can see how it occurs, because all 8 sheets are using common styles
 under Conditional Formatting so modifying a style for sheet 8 of course
 means modifying for sheets 1-7.

 Is there any way to get Calc to allow modification of styles for all
 sheets, even protected ones? The only alternative would seem to be to
 create 8 separate and identical sets of styles for the same document, which
 seems a bit nuts.

Si (PLO)
#20625. Hin Sow Wed Gore? ¶

Auxiliary Information:
 • LibreOffice 3.4.0 OOO340m1 (Build:12)
 • Windows XP Pro 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3

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