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Hi Phil,

To start with your subject line: must be, looking at the number of people that downloaded and tested betas etc.

prholland wrote (04-06-11 11:54)
In and LibreOffice 3.3 if you used =SUM() to find the total of
the numeric values in a row or column where some of the cells were blank or
just text, then it worked! Now I've just opened a spreadsheet with
LibreOffice 3.4 and #VALUE! is appearing everywhere.

Just works fine for me in 3.4.0
So it must be some special case ..?
Any point in sending me a file (offlist)?

Why the change? It brings back awful memories of the upgrade
from 1.1.3 to 2.0.0

No change intended, I guess, but I can imagine that you do not long for that same 1.1.4>2.2.0 experience ;-) Still, the huge rework of code, and other repository/merge/... changes that have been done the last months, will for sure lead to extra discomfort. That is why we explicitly say that the 3.4.0 is for early adaptors. The 3.4.1 will solve many of the nasty bugs, if not all. And then there will be more bugfix releases in the 3.4. line.

Well, all a bit explanation. Mentioning bugs: you might also have a look if your specific problem has been reported already:


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