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On 06/02/2011 07:13 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Which Operating System are you using; a Windows, Ubuntu, other linux, Mac or a

If you are using Ubuntu and probably most other gnu&linux distros the package
name has changed so for debian family distros (Mint, Debian, Ubuntu ... ) try

sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
This replaces  the older one which still seemed to work anyway
sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts

The package name is probably the same for other families so just use the search
tool in your normal package manager to find either


If you are using Windows or Mac and already have the fonts available in other
packages then there is some clever way of getting LibreOffice to change which
folders it uses for fonts, or maybe just create short-cuts or something.
Webmaster at Kracked Press will probably be in later to help with that.

Please still let us know which OS, or even just the platform, so we can try to
give better help.

Regards from
Tom :)

From: dave boland<>
Sent: Thu, 2 June, 2011 22:09:59
Subject: [libreoffice-users] More fonts

I'm using LibreOffice as a MS Office replacement.  The problem is I need
the MS Office fonts (Aerial, etc).  Where can I get them and how do I
install them?

If you have trouble with those installer files, let me know. I can send to use the needed files - off list to match your OS. The one that Tom listed were for Linux. There was some info later that stated that you cannot get those installer files any longer, but I do not know if it depends on the OS distro. I have a collection of over 100,000 fonts, so if we cannot get the actual Linux installs, I can get you the closest ones out there at is for free.

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