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On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 09:22, Roland Hughes <> wrote:
1  The Art of Slamming Head Against Wall
   1.1  Place Palms Flat Against Wall
   1.2  Bend Elbows 45 degrees
   1.3  Rear Head Back as far as Possible
   1.4  Throw Body Weight Behind Forward Head Movement
This does not work. I tried three times and all three times my chest
hit the wall before my head. I suggest snapping the head forward in a
whip-like fashion, with the intent on getting the forehead as the
leading edge as soon as possible (the forehead starts facing up, due
to the head reared back). With this method I hit the wall with my
forehead two tries out of three, with the third hitting my nose. Note
that a nose hit results in more blood loss than a forehead hit, but
consciousness is regained sooner.

Dotan Cohen

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