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Brian Barker schrieb:
At 08:46 20/05/2011 -0700, Nuzhna Pomoshch wrote:
In Tools / Options / LibreOffice Writer / Basic Fonts (Western), I can
set the fonts I want (particularly the default font). But it seems
that is only for Writer. How do I set the default font for Calc?

I don't see you can. But here's a workaround:
o Open a new spreadsheet (Calc) document.
o Create as many sheets as you are likely to use in spreadsheets generally.
o Click the first sheet tab and then Shift+click the last sheet tab to
select all the sheets at once.
o Click in the top left square - where the row and column headers meet -
to select the whole of all the sheets.
o Set your required font.

It is no good idea to use hard formatting. So select nothing, but open style and formatting window and set the desired font in the style "default" in group "cell styles". I use a non-proportional font for example. In the same window you can add new styles which you need often. For example I have add a style for English text, a style for German text, and a style for high precision scientific number format.

o Go to File | Templates > | Save... to save the document as a template.
o Go to File | Templates > | Organize..., select the template, and then
click Commands | Set As Default Template.

That is the way I do it.

Unfortunately, if you need to create any new sheets in a spreadsheet,
they will still start with the real default font.

If you set it in the default style, all document based on this template will use it.

Kind regards

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