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Possibly changing the resolution on your notebook to a higher setting would make 
the dialog box a smaller size that would fit the screen.

John McAtee

From: Helmar <>
Sent: Tue, May 17, 2011 7:19:19 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] lower part of dialog boxes not visible

Can you just move the "search&replace" box simply draging it?

*Helmar Fernandes
Ubuntu user #33596
Maverick Meerkat 10.10

On 17 May 2011 06:31, Thomas Blasejewicz <>wrote:

Good morning
(I am subscribed to the list, but under a different mail address, which I
apparently cannot use where I am now. I hope, this gets through anyway,.)
I am on the other side of the world from where I usually work and brought a
notebook PC with me, that I now use for the first time.
(Dell Vostro 3500, Windows 7, Libreoffice 3.3).

When I am in Calc and want to search for something, a "search and replace"
dialog box opens. On my desktop computer at home I have the handle "more
options" -> click -> search all sheets. I would like to do the same thing
the notePC, but the lower portion of that dialog box is and remains
somewhere BELOW the lower edge of the screen = invisible.

Is there a trick that would allow me to move the box across the screen and
thus reach its lower end?

Thank you in advance.

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