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Hi :)

Yes, there is or at least there will be fairly soon (in the next few weeks).  
The documentation for OpenOffice's slightly less developed Draw is also valid 
although LibreOffice's Draw can also handle svg and more functionality too.
The one for Draw still needs updating from it's OpenOffice roots but is 
available as both pdf and odt (so you can edit it yourself on your own machine)

If you would like to help the documentation team update the guide then the usual 
way is to 

1. Join their team, say hi and ask for an "Alfesco" login from them.
2. Download their Draw guide from Alfresco & let the list know you are working 
on it so other people don't mess up what you are doing.
3. Post to  their mailing list about changes you are uncertain about or about 
any other issues that seem relevant.
4. Upload back to the Alfresco site, hopefully moving it on to the next step, 
perhaps to the proof-reading stage!  The list are helpful about this process 
(it's amazingly easy apparently)
5. Let the list know you have uploaded it.

You might also be interested in other OpenSource programs, also free but more 
importantly Free, such as Gimp and InkScape.  Gimp is a lot more like PhotoShop 
and there a huge range of add-ons to add extra functionality.  It's not really 
designed for vector graphics tho.  Inkscape is designed mainly for vector 
graphics but it's not a pretty interface.  Hopefully Draw brings in useful 
elements of both while keeping a nice looking interface.

OpenSource programs tend to work together very well and tend to be faster and 
safer than proprietary equivalents.  Developments tend to be faster so if you 
have a problem or can think of an improvement then it's usually worth letting 
people know.  

Regards from
Tom :)

PS i think Jean has beat me to the answer and as head of documentation team her 
(/his?) answer is better right now.  I can't keep up with what's going on 

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Anthony Grzina <>
Sent: Sat, 14 May, 2011 5:55:05
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Libre Office - Drawing


I have just discovered your beautiful program and in particular the Drawing part 
of it.

For all kinds of drawings I have been using Deneba's Canvas for many years and I 
am fairly good at it. However, the producers of Canvas have lamentably 
discontinued any future development of Canvas for Mac. My old copy is still 
running on Apple's Rosetta but Apple will now kill Rosetta with the new OS X 
Lion, which means the final end of Canvas.

Looking through your User Guide, I note that your Drawing application handles 
Bezier curves and other advanced facets of drawings and I would very much like 
to use it and possibly contribute with some ideas for future developments.

However, I am a "printed-manual-person". I like to read and study an application 
through a printed manual.

So my question is: Is there now -- or is it considered for the foreseeable 
future -- a PDF formatted User Guide? I am sure I am not the only one who would 
welcome one.

Thanks for your attention and best regards,

Anthony Grzina
Sydney, Australia

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