From: Steve Edmonds<steve.edmonds@ptglobal.com>
To: users@libreoffice.org; tomdavies04@yahoo.co.uk
Sent: Mon, 9 May, 2011 20:51:44
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] .docx can't be read
On 9/05/11 8:54 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Are you suggesting that LO/OOo will not display images in a text box,
but that is a valid MSO docx feature?
It would appear so.
Stupid or not, that is how people are creating
I just tried google docs with my faulty .docx. Google .docx imports were
quite good at one time, but even all that might can't manage my .docx.
I'm betting the format has changed to thwart competitors efforts at
HI :)
It only seems to be text inside a text-box that is being difficult at the
moment. When a document is written normally it translates easily but for some
reason a few people have suddenly started defaulting to using text-boxes
Regards from
Tom :)
Its not just text in a box. I have had problems with charts and may be
tables and lines and annotations from docx.
2 screen snaps attached for Tom showing something I don't really want
bandied about in public that won't import and which google docs garbles.
Hi :)
Yes :( All sorts of boxes with text in them could be affected. This looks like
the same problem. Is there a bug-report about this that can be added to? Text
out-side of boxes seems fine. Pictures seem fine although possibly just moved
around a little.
I think annotations is a separate bug-report.
Regards from
Tom :)
PS That was kinda semi-confidential. There were no clues about locations (even
to the nearest hemisphere), time, dates (to the nearest decade), or even events
& all best kept that way.