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On 4/05/11 2:30 AM, Jack wrote:
Hi Passiday,

Passiday wrote:

For example, coordinates of three points (x, y) are calculated, and a
triangle in cartesian coordinate system is drawn. Of course, the picture
should update itself, whenever the input values are changed.

A possible work-around could be to create an XY-scatter chart of the data
values.  If you fiddle around with the chart settings, you can get it to
display only the vertices.  For example, delete the legend and title and set
the axis and grid line colours to "invisible".  The chart can be copied
(select chart, right-click ->  copy) to an image manipulation program
(mspaint, GIMP etc.) and then saved as a *.png (or another format.  Sadly
though, I doubt you could make it an SVG).

Obviously, I doubt that this is what you were looking for, but it might get
the job done (except for the auto-update part).


We used some charting software for this years ago. Be nice if Draw could be used for more extensive charting. Look here

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