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On 04/23/2011 06:23 PM, Terry Warby wrote:
On 23/04/11 02:00, NoOp wrote:
Back to 3.3 for me.

Got exactly the same errors. Fortunately, after 3.4 Beta 1, I tried it 
first in a Virtual Machine (Ubuntu 11.04 Beta 2 in VirtualBox) so I 
still have 3.3.2 safely installed and working on my real machine!

Terry W

Sadly, Ed Drinkwater tried to bring up the suggestion that Betas should
not replace exisiting LO installations on the developers list & was met
with negative/childish responses from some of the developers - see:
[Installing beta versions replacing stable versions]

I found some of the responses unacceptable & posted my opinion in the

Odd that OOo has no problems building a beta build using a -dev install
parameter, but LO seems to think this is 'difficult' and/or something of
a mistery.

For others that wish to muck about with LO Beta's, I recommend
installing in a parallel/sandbox rather than messing up your entire
system. Instructions are here:
Note: not tried those, but I've always used:
and those have always worked well for me.

Added note: when you've multiple versions of the same LO/OOo application
installed, I've found that it's best to just modify the
/program/bootstraprc to point to a new ~/ user profile. For example I'd
change ~/ to ~/.openoffice.org3 for the modified verision.

LO devs need to learn how to install their beta/RC's as
/opt/libreoffice-dev and autocreate the user profile as ~/.lo-dev or
similar. It's not rocket science & certainly if OOo can do it, LO can as
well. That said, I'd just be happy to see installable 3.4 Betas at this

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