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How can I switch this list to a "daily digest" format, please?
Peter G. Underwood                 tel/fax: +27 21 761 8463
4 Brentwood Close                  cell:    +27 84 650 3091
11C Indian Road                    Skype:    pgunderwood                   
Cape Town                   
South Africa                                      

On Thu, 2011-03-10 at 14:59 -0900, Marc Grober wrote:

Found this:
and apparently it is still an issue in as much as project I was working
on at the time required substitution in an html page indexing a series
of other documents by their URL....

So the bug is still present, but only presents itself in specific
limited situations.

under OOo it was easy to add or update a bug - not so sure with LO.

On 3/8/11 1:44 AM, Karl-Heinz Bellgardt wrote:
Hi Marc,

On 07.03.2011 15:31, Marc Grober wrote:
 I was just working with regex in LO 3.3.1 (osx) and was
unsuccessful with with placeholders (the placeholder was placed in
text). I found two different bits of documentation (internal and
wiki) that were not totally consistent and examples did not work.
Ran out of time on underlying project so did not resolve what issue
was. This was on my "list" to address but have yet to get to it....
Can you confirm both styles of placeholders work and offer example
that worked for you?

I hope not to have caused some confusion, because I shouldn't have
called "&" a "place holder". Is is a "(back-)reference" to the
search result, but [:digit:] is a place holder. Here is a somewhat
artificial example using both.

The original text:
     The cat never is blue with gray.
     This car almost is green like a leaf.
     A dog still is black same as coal.

Search string (There is a blank after "is"):

$1little $4 $2was $3

Text after replace:
     The little blue cat was never with gray.
     This little green car was almost like a leaf.
     A little black dog was still same as coal.

I hope it can give some ideas.


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