I've got a weird problem, possibly a bug in Calc:
Make sure AutospellCheck is turned on and select some empty cells in a row
(A1-A10 for example)
Click Format->Merge Cells->Merge and center cells
Now fill it with some jibberish, so it gets red-underlined.
Now click Format->Cells->Alignment, enter 90 in Degrees -> OK and the
content just disappears magically!
If you turn off the AutoSpellCheck, content reappears.
It looks like checking the 'Wrap text automatically' checkbox in the
Alignment window won't affect the content, but without the Wrap option
Calc can't display the red-underline vertically. If you turn off the
autospellcheck, the jibberish content reappears without red-underline and
if you change the text and turn on the spellcheck, the text is gone again.
This can't be by design..
Same problem with 3.3.0 and latest 3.3.1.
Can anyone confirm this?