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On 25 February 2011 02:54, Luuk <> wrote:
On 25-02-11 05:41, T. R. Valentine wrote:
Excel could NOT
do it.
Or, you do not know how to do it?
(i've never worked with Excel2007, but did 'some' things in Excel2003)

I would never claim a possible lack of knowledge! But, in this case, I am
fairly certain it wasn't me.

I used FIND to locate the space between the date and the time. I used LEFT
to extract the characters prior to the space and when that did not produce
a numerical value, I tried both VALUE and TIMEVALUE to convert it to a
numerical value. Neither worked.

Knowing where the space between the date and the time was and determing the
LEN of the entire text string, I used MID to extract the characters
following the space. When that did not produce a numerical value, I tried
both VALUE and TIMEVALUE to convert it to a numerical value. Neither

On 25 February 2011 05:37, plino <> wrote:

VALUE and TIMEVALUE apply to TEXT strings ONLY both in Excel and LibO

If you want to parse a value field you have to use different functions

See above.,

How did you import the Tab delimited file to LibO?

I did not. I had already done a lot of work with the information in Excel
which I did not want to redo. I saved my work (in .xls instead of .xlsx)
and opened that in Calc.

Does Calc have issues with opening tab-delimited files?

T. R. Valentine
Your friends will argue with you. Your enemies don't care.
'When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food
and clothes.' -- Erasmus

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