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El 06/02/2011 07:21 p.m., Jacob Valdez escribió:
I logged into and did several searches using various key words but that didn't get anywhere.
So I have decided to mail here.
Currently using LibreOffice 3.30
Have used OpenOffice/LibreOffice for at least four years now.
First issue is a long-standing one.

System: WinXP SP3

LibreOffice component: Writer
Creating numbered lists in text documents.
The final number in a numbered list of items is a smaller size than the selected size for the entire list (despite the text in the final item being the correct size.)
Or is this a feature?
It occurs with any numbered list I create and with any font used in the list.

Can someone confirm this for me and if it has been reported?


Is normal for me,is equal to all mozilla product, allways remember the last directory used. Perhaps LO is missing in the feature to make the directory absolute and not changing

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