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On 02/02/2011 07:52 AM, Cia Watson wrote:
On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 09:21:25 +1300
Jonathan Evatt <> wrote:

I was wondering if the LO team have any intention of setting up a forum?
It's a pretty simple thing to do these days, and surely it would make problem solving much 
easier than doing things via a mail list where every one ends up having to receive everyone 
else's emails just to find the answer to their own.

Is a forum in the works? I highly recommend it.
+1 to this idea. I just subscribed to the digest instead of individual
emails, but the digest seems to be sending two of every message or
something. I'm reading it in claws mail. There also isn't a 'link' or
'anchor' in the digest to be able to move to a specific message. One thing
I do like is that if I reply, it's to a specific message such as this one,
and not the entire digest. I hate it when people reply to one message in a
digest and quote the whole thing. 

However, one issue with forums is spamming, though there are some ways of
dealing with that on an automated basis. It can be a hassle. An easy way
to search the mail list would possibly serve the same purpose. 

As it is, as I rarely even use LO or OO and traffic on the list is
getting heavier I'll probably quit the digest too. (My preferred word
processor for most things right now is AbiWord and neither LO or OO will
format .abw files properly. However AbiWord does format odt files
properly. Go figure. )

Why not just turn your nntp newsreader client to and read/post
from there?

Note: don't forget to use the -nomail option so that you don't keep
getting emails from the list.

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