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Hello my name is Chris Fleischmann, I have been using the OpenOffice SDK with for quite some time. All was working well, except for when I tried to save my document to MS Word format. I came across a bug where by a TextFrame with a background image (attribute: BackGraphicURL is set), contains another TextFrame holding an image, (see uploaded sample exhibiting one of the errors seen when opening in MS Word)... When trying to save the document, you get an error and the document doesn't open properly in MS Word, 2000, XP, 2003 or 2007. I previously logged a bug against this as:
However this bug was closed as a duplicate of : However this 
bug is not the same I believe, and exhibits different behaviours... In 
any case, this bug has been opened for some time, and I guess I am 
hoping for a solution or any possible workaround. I can't imagine people 
liking the idea that they can't save their documents in MS Word format 
to not be able to open?
I have tried now using LibreOffice for personal reasons as well as newer 
features, but the problem still can be observed with 3.3.0
OOO330m19 (Build:6), tag libreoffice-

Thanks for any help you may be able to provide on the subject.

Kind Regards,


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