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Le 2011-02-02 00:26, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions a écrit :

Thanks. I hoped someone was collecting articles, besides myself. Thanks
for the WIKI link. Maybe this month a lot more online news and content
providers will present LibreOffice in the spotlight and tell people how
good LibreOffice is as a replacement for MSO.

In the above article "Document Foundation Launches Breakaway Open Source
LibreOffice 3.3 Suite" it talks about Oracle bought OOo from Sun, but
who did Sun buy to get the name and code, and was there someone before
it? I want to add a "history" to my link on one of my pages. One
article, I remember, stated that the code started about 10 years before
the open source version was created, which was now over ten years ago
for that.
Just Google for StarOffice Suite and you should be able to get the whole 
I am changing my text and links from as my main office
suite choice to LibreOffice. I will call OOo "Oracle's"
and use it as second place for MS Office alternatives, with LibreOffice
as first place. I am always looking for documents and/or articles not
written by "Document Foundation" that supports my stand to use
LibreOffice as the preferred office package over MSO, and maybe OOo as
well. I am currently creating a CD/DVD handout with LibreOffice, its
add-ons for Windows/English, documentation, and PDF versions of copies
of articles I found interesting about LibreOffice. This disc will also
include as many other open source software so I will have a "stuffed
full" open source disc. LibreOffice is replacing OOo on this handout disc.

If you want different examples of CD/DVD handouts that people are 
preparing, you may want to check out the Marketing and USMarketing 
lists. There are 2-3 different styles being worked on with suggestions 
of content on the disks.



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