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I'll have to give it another shot.
Purge OOo321 and install LO33.
And keep my fingers crossed. :)

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 7:09 AM, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)

Yes, i think it would be better if LibreOffice could be installed alongside
OpenOffice to allow people to use either until fully satisfied with
LibreOffice.  Also when a new release comes out people often want to
the new one before removing the one they know works.  The OpenSource world
generally keen to offer this type of option but sadly it doesn't work
easily yet
for OpenOffice/LibreOffice.

Thanks for closing your bug-report.  Definitely a good move :)
Many regard from
Tom :)

From: Luuk <>
Sent: Mon, 31 January, 2011 11:22:38
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Calc hangs on Format/Cells [Windows]

I closed my own bug report, because the problem is solved.

It had to do with two office versions running on my computer.

When i remove OpenOffice3.2 and LibreOffice3.3
and re-installed LibreOffice3.3

everything works as it would be expected

Windows7 / LibreOffice  3.3 330m19(Build:6)
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