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On 2011-01-20 10:11 PM, MR ZenWiz wrote:
This darling .pps file causes LO rc3 not only to crash, but on every
attempt to recover, it crashes again, which pretty much crippled my LO
installation completely.  I'm downloading rc4, but this is a serious
problem since every attempt to restart LO results in the recovery,
followed immediately by reopening the "crashed" files, which then
causes LO to crash again.

This .pps runs fine in OOo 3.2.1.

I've posted this one here:
When will the website provide a simple web form for submitting MS Office
documents with conversion formatting problems?

Formatting problems with Microsoft Office file formats - especially
Powerpoint/Impress documents - imnsho, is the single biggest 'problem'
that OOo/LibO has, and there has *never* been a satisfactorily simple
way to submit problem documents.


Best regards,


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