On 12/31/2010 08:29 AM, Mark wrote:
If you're here to help, help.
If not, go away. No one is forcing you to be here.
A little etiquette would not hurt you one bit, either.
Thanks, Marc. You are a wise guy. Thanks for stepping in with your
gentle reminder of a netiquette that should be implicit for all the
members of this list.
If anyone has a crusade against someone or something (to be clear:
Ubuntu, Oracle or Microsoft), I do not think that TDF lists are the
right place to be.
TDF is FOR and not AGAINST: FOR free software, FOR the user, FOR
document freedom, FOR open standards, and not AGAINST proprietary
software, AGAINST corporations, AGAINST document lock in, AGAINST closed
document formats and standards.
We will win being positive, they will lose being negative.
We are the white knight, they are the dark angel.
I hope this is clear for everyone.
Italo Vignoli - The Document Foundation
E-mail: italo.vignoli@documentfoundation.org
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Very unhappy camper (continued)
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