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On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 17:08, bill topp <> wrote:
i don't use openoffice.  with the exception of some screwball canadians who
appear to be using wordperfect every individual to whom i send a business
document uses microsoft word.  i am a wordsmith, i have little use for
graphics.  however my document headings are formatted to give a decent title
page.  i found that when i created a simple title page in openoffice and
saved it in .doc format and then opened it with my microsoft word even the
simple text box and drawn black lines came back scrambled.  when i opened a
word document in openoffice it looked perfect, but then when i simply saved
it and re-opened it in word it was scrambled again.

i would love to use libreoffice to replace my office 2007.  however i need
near to absolute assurance that the document i create is going to be the
document my clients/associates/customers receive and to the best of my
knowledge every one of them will open it with some version of word.

this is far more important to me than any feature no matter what it might
be.  i cannot claim to be sending a client a renoir and have them open a

Can you please send to me an example document? I'll see what I can do,
what bugs I can file, and what advice I can give to ensure document

You should also be wary of MS Office document fidelity: as it is
modeled on the printed page it depends on such arcane factors as
locale (A4 vs Letter), printer drivers (Margin sizes), screen
resolutions (I cannot figure out why, but I've seen it make a
difference), and of course MS Office version. If you want absolute
fidelity, use PDF, SVG or PNG. This is a great OOo extension for
embedding ODF documents in PDFs:

Dotan Cohen

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