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On Sun Dec 12 2010 18:49:01 GMT-0800 (PST)  henry cui wrote:
thanks for your answer.:)
I tried your method ,but still face two problems
1. I found the second parameter array can't be in other separably xls
file.It works just in single file with different sheet.
2. I settle the formulation on the cell,when I drag the cell to extend the
formulation to other cells.I found the number of the cell in the
function of vlookup is changing.This effect will affect the search scope of
the sormulation and it's different from the same rule in the excel.
Trying to use mouse to drag formulation become a hard way to handle the
formuation,is there any other way to handle this kind of operate
that use a single formulation in whole row or column?

Use the $ to lock to a direct cell number.  A1 will change with either 
row or column as it is dragged.  $A$1 will keep the same no matter where 
it is dragged.  A1 is an indirect reference and $A$1 is a direct reference.

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