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Hi ...,

interele wrote (08-12-10 10:34)
I cannot get A5 documents to print in landscape
If I do a Format page and set it up as A5 landscape
everything seems to be OK including the Page preview
However when I go to print the little preview in the
print dialog is in portrait and it prints in portrait.
If I set the document back to A4 landscape the
little preview is now landscape and it prints OK
in landscape

LibreOffice 3.3.0
OOO330m17 (Build:3)
I think it is this issue:
Is that correct?

Alas I have been unable to further hunt the developers, and they had no time to take a closer look. Maybe bringing this up on one of the helps for more attention?
As it is now, I see no other solution then rework some of my templates.

Sorry if this appears twice I had some finger trouble
It did not, but I had to moderate the message to the list.


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