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On Sun Nov 21 2010 11:56:47 GMT-0800 (PST)  Terry Warby wrote:
Downloaded Beta 3 for Linux (deb) and Windows this morning and loaded them on my desktop machine. This is dual booted, Win 7 and Ubuntu/Xubuntu each on their own hard drive, 2.5GB Ram. On ubuntu/xubuntu there are no problems (so far), but on Win 7 Pro I find that there are no context menus in Write or Draw when right clicking. In addition, if I click on the any of the main menu items, such as File or Format, the program stops responding. In short, the program is unsuable. Checking out the task manager, I find the CPU cycles are sky high (80%+) when the program stops responding.

I've also downloaded and installed OOo 3.3 RC5 for comparison purposes and don't have the same problem. Neither did I have the problem with LibO 3.3 Beta 2 so I strongly suspect a serious bug. Has anybody else reported this behaviour; surely it can't be peculiar to my machine? I have a WinXP virtual machine but haven't tried that yet.

If its a confirmed bug, how do I report it formally?


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