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On Thursday 18 November 2010 09:44:35 pm Mark wrote:
On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 8:48 PM, Andy Brown <> wrote:
On Thu Nov 18 2010 20:42:44 GMT-0800 (PST)  Mark wrote:
Hey, that's great!

Except . . . where are the non-rpm installation packages?  I'm running
Ubuntu and rpms don't work here....
On the page, scroll down below the download buttons and you will see
BitTorrent and below that you will see "(32-bit .debs or 64-bit .debs)".
You can download from there.

Well, it would have, but I found out two things in the mean time:

1. Rpm *is* supported on Ubuntu, but it is deprecated in favor of:

2. Conversion via alien.

So, I installed alien, converted all the rpms to .debs, modified my
installer shell (that installed all the rpms in a working order) to do
the .debs instead, and it seems to work fine except, as I've
complained about before:

The desktop integration doesn't work.

Actually, there is no desktop-integration package for Debian systems,
so I just go through Nautilus manually and tweak the settings from OOo
to LO and all is well in the world.

As noted there are 'deb' packages. There is a  'desktop-integration' package 
included , does debian menu's.



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