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Hi Andy, welcome and thank you, that's great.

On 10.11.2010 22:25, Andy Rogers wrote:
Dear LibreOffice Users Mailing List

Im newish to the mailing list for LibreOffice, but I would like to offer
some help with LibreOffice in some shape or form going forward (but not
programming at the moment).

Basically I have been using Linux (mainly ubuntu) for the past 2+ Years and
have been looking at trying to get involved in a project to give something
back to the Linux community moving forward.

I have a very good inside advance of computers in general, and use them day
in and day out and this is my number 1 passion in life, and also Linux as my
main operating system.

I mainly come from an administration background in work, but am moving more
and more to my preferred role as IT becomes more utilised in my work place.

OpenOffice is what I use day in&  day out out work&  home and am very
willing to help move this new project forward for the future.

If you could suggest some areas which I can assist in longterm, or
suggestions, or have any questions or need any more information please email
Im not to sure of how best to start the LibreOffice community but am open
for direction to the correct people etc.



On 10 November 2010 20:03,
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