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 Hi Mark,

Le 11/10/2010 03:31, Mark a écrit :
I've found a number of issues with LO that are significantly different
from OOo and that I would call bugs.  I'm wondering where the best
place to report them is.  These happen on my desktop that runs:

2.6.18-194.17.1.el5 #1 SMP Wed Sep 29 12:50:31 EDT 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
GNOME 2.16.0 (yeah I know it's old...)

1. The 32 and 64 bit Linux tarballs do not come with a real
installation script or program.  I figured out a good way to do it
that works just fine, but I shouldn't have to do that.  Not everyone
will know how....  (I installed libreoffice-ure, then all the lobasis3
rpms, then all the libreoffice3 rpms.)
I do not use rpm but for deb I install LibO in the same way as OOo and
OOo-dev with dpkg. On Ubuntu 2 commands are sufficient:
in the DEBS directory : sudo dpkg -i *.deb
then in the desktop-integration directory : sudo dpkg -i *.deb

2. The 32 and 64 bit installations do not install the desktop
integration rpm for RedHat systems if OOo is already installed - rpm
gets a conflict and won't install them (unless I force it, which I
don't want to do).  This makes them much harder to use - they're not
on the panels and I have to do the nautilus integration by hand.
As for OOo-dev I use a small script to launch LibO if I want to tweak
some environment variable.
The command line should be something like:
/opt/libreoffice3/program/soffice  "$@"
3. Whenever I move into a bullet/number list, the focus disappears.
It doesn't shift to the list toolbar, it just goes away.  This is
annoying - I have to type <alt><tab> or click the mouse to get it
No such problem for me. You should try to tweak environment variables
detailed informations.
4. LO Writer doesn't always remember where I was last located in a
file.  I have a sort of journal document that I close every night and
open when I want to add to it.  LO always opens it at the top, even
though I always close it from the bottom.
I use the same sort of file and it works for me but indeed not always
and I can't catch the thing that make it working or not.
5. LO starts up REALLY SLOWLY, even if I already have at least one LO
window/doc open.  OOo comes up in the window in less than a second (if
at least one is already open), whereas LO posts the window frame, then
it takes 1-3 seconds to fill in the document.  Since I have a 2.6GHz
Athlon II X4, I sort of expect something like parallel speed (to OOo)
and it's not happening.  This is consistent on all docs I've used so
far - .doc, .odt, .xls, .ods (i.e., writer & calc).

6. There is no corollary to the generic /usr/bin/
command in the installation.  Ths might be related to #2 above, but as
I said there, that makes the file association even harder (have to set
it explicitly for /opt/libreoffice3/program/swriter|scalc|...).
You can create a script which launch lo and associate this script to
each kind of odf file. LibO (as OOo) will do itself the job to choose
the right LibO module.
That's what I've seen so far.
LibO beta2 will be better. :-)

Best regards

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