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Hi Eric, :-)

This is, of course, something that occurs in Writer (sorry, I forgot
to say). I've noticed this behavior ever since I've used OOo (2.x.x
onwards) on Windows and Linux (I currently use Ubuntu 10.10 with OOo

It's true that the toolbars' reappearance in a default position rather
than where the user last placed them could be construed as a bug.

But the ability to durably hide them would be a useful feature IMHO.

This is not happening for everyone?

David Nelson

On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 13:49, Eric Hoch <> wrote:
Hi David,
Am Thu, 7 Oct 2010 12:29:42 +0800 schrieb Traduction.BIZ:
Hi, :-)

I am usually proofreading and translating documents, and overwriting
text. I hide the formatting toolbar. But when the insertion point
enters a table or a bulleted list, the Bullets and Numbering toolbar
and the Table toolbar appear (I have them detached from the toolbar
area at the top of the window). They are generally inconveniently
positioned over text I want to see. If I hide them, they pop up next
time I enter another table/list. The hiding action is not "sticky",
and I don't find any configuration setting to control this behavior.

Anyone got any tips or solutions?
Even it may not be necessary for you, please provide the operating
system you use. This makes it a little bit easier to identify
issues that may occur only on one platform and issues across
platforms. Thanks.

Back to your problem. I've had a Mac user whose OOo 3.2.1 showed
similar wild re-appearances of toolbars. I couldn't find any
solution for her since my OOo 3.2.1 behaved normal, even asking on
the german users mailing list brought no solution for her. In
general her and mine OOo behave per design, meaning that like in
your case the toolbars appear when they should. However what's not
designed is that they occur where they want and not where they were
last positioned.

Should I file a feature request about this?
I would say yes but at the moment there is a lack of being able to
reproduce it, since not all OOo/LibO show this behavior.


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