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Before I forget - the files used for to gather these runtime numbers,
posted in an earlier email, are found here:

There are five xls files with an explanation as to what the spreadsheet is

They are 4 years old and seem to be as good as I've found for example files
to show the multi-core threading feature.

Seems to me it might be worthwhile to offer them for download (maybe as a
zip file) and reference that download location in the video and/or
associated posting text.

Also, yesterday I went back and reviewed a number of the blog posts and a
few media posts regarding threading (OpenCL and Multi-Core), thought that
was a good first step in writing up a script for use here.

Have also gone through the Calc Functions list, as supplied in the Calc
Guide (updating it from 4.1 - 6.2) and have marked which functions are
thread enabled and which are not - not sure I have an exhaustive list but
should be close if not there. That is not really a marketing issue but in a
marketing piece listing the categories of statistical functions supporting
the feature seems to make sense.

OK - that's it for this email.

On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 2:32 PM Drew Jensen <>


On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 2:17 AM Sreekanth V K <> wrote:

The last one looks good for me. However, the operation which is happening
is not visible, so for a common person, he/she may not be able to
understand the difference. It would be better if you have the Calc in the
background (not just writing what is going on) and keep the system monitor
over the Calc.

Thanks for the feedback - the current drafts certainly lack context. The
spreadsheet itself doesn't give much if any visual clues as to what is
happening. It was my goal to use the System Monitor screen capture to show
what is actually happening here. In the one case (LibreOffice versions
without threading) you can see that a single processing is spiking to 100%
for most of the work time, and compare that to LibreOffice 6.2 spreading
the load across all for processors with each running at ~60% maximum while
finishing the actual task significantly faster.

That said I agree with you that there needs to be more to explain what
they are seeing.

Best wishes,


Sreekanth V K

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, January 14, 2019 12:10 PM, Drew Jensen <> wrote:

and I kept at it for a little while,

So a real first draft, I put the two runs one after so the run length
to 1:13

The sound track is not quite right, some popping with the car engine
but you get the idea.

What do you think?

and now it is no longer Sunday here,


On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 11:37 PM Drew Jensen

Sorry, lets try that URL again for the second file
On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 11:34 PM Drew Jensen

Of course there had another one in there, heck it isn't just a
Sunday it
is a snowy Sunday where I'm at.
so four versions of LO on the screen, from top left and running
6.0, 6.1, 6.3 alpha, 6.2 RC2
this time the version number is overlaid the cpu monitor screen
and fade out, in timing similar to the calculation time...
Anyway - realizing calculation threading became standard last
release I
was thinking it worth a mention in a social media post for the
coming 6.2
as the developers have continued working on the feature.
So, these are some first ideas for a video to go along with that
TBD post
Suppose I'm asking if folks this would be worth the effort?
Best wishes,
On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 10:29 PM Drew Jensen

What you think about something to highlight the work going into
up Calc..
I was playing with some of the test files available in the source
This particular file recalculates in half the time using LO 6.2
RC2 as
compared to 6.0.7 on the machine here.
How to show that graphically, me thought.
After a few minutes of fiddling came up this.
Too rough to share?


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