Dear LibreOffice Community,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to follow up on my
previous email regarding significant issues I am experiencing with
LibreOffice. I have not yet received a response, and the problems are
becoming increasingly urgent. To summarize, I am facing the following
issues: Corruption in 'Draw' Module: The 'Draw' module is corrupted and
unusable, preventing me from accessing important IRS tax information.
Installation Issues: When I try to install the latest version of
LibreOffice, the installation process fails. Uninstallation Issues: I am
unable to uninstall the current version of LibreOffice due to a message
stating that I must be an administrator. I have already tried opening the
program as an administrator, but this did not resolve the issue. These
problems are causing significant inconvenience and are impacting my ability
to complete important tasks. I would greatly appreciate your help in
resolving these issues as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention to
this matter. I look forward to your assistance.
Best regards,
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- [libreoffice-marketing] Follow-Up: Urgent Assistance Needed with LibreOffice Installation and Corruption Issue · Rayleen
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