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Hi DaeHyun,

Thanks a lot for the information, and I hope the event goes smoothly! If you have any photos or notes from the workshop afterwards, please let me know and we can put them on our blog and social media :-)


On 27/07/2024 19:49, DaeHyun Sung wrote:
Hello, I'm DaeHyun Sung, LibreOffice Korean Team leader & TDF member
in South Korea.

In this year(2024), DebConf 2024 will be held at Pukyong National
University(부경대학교) in Busan, South Korea from July 28(Sunday) to August
04(Sunday), 2024.
(Busan is the second-largest city in South Korea.)

I will be doing a LibreOffice translation workshop on Monday, July 29,
2024, at 10:00 am at the DebConf24 in Busan, South Korea.

Introduction to LibreOffice Korean Translations (Wiki & UI Translations)
(Workshop Slide is released. link:

In addition, I made a LibreOffice promotion sticker.
I will share the stickers at the DebConf24 venue.

If anyone is going to be at DebConf24, I'd love to meet you. and see
you soon next monday morning!

Unfortunately, due to personal reasons, I cannot attend the
LibreOffice Asia Conference 2024 in Taipei, Taiwan on Aug. 2-3.
However, I will promote LibreOffice at DebConf24, in Busan, South

ps. I will only be attending DebConf24 for two days, Monday, July 29,
and Thursday, August 1.

DaeHyun Sung(성대현,ソン・デヒョン, 成大鉉)

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