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I installed LibreOffice 2 about two weeks ago, and it keeps crashing on me. *How can I prevent 
that?* It caused me to lose an entire book manuscript which I was not able to retrieve. Thank you.

David Cobble

On Fri, Jul 12, 2024, at 6:55 AM, Kazuo Ohzeki wrote:
Thank you maketing maneger for helping again about mailing list.
------------ Then, my question:  -------------------------
I would like to use LibreOffice LOGO.

I created a template for a paper of an international conference using only
LibreOffice. This is because I use LibreOffice regularly. Contributors to
the conference can use any word processor, but submissions must be in PDF
format. To encourage the use of LibreOffice, I would like to place the
LibreOffice logo in the "call for papers" page. I would also like to show
that I had permission from LibreOffice.

Is this possible? The international conference is ICAITD2025

There is an explanation of the template at the bottom of the page.

Could I get advices?

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