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Hi Mike,

Thanks - some first response:

Mike Saunders wrote on 21/11/2023 10:03:

So to follow up on this, here's a draft for the blog -- let me know what you think! And more ideas for the "For instance" part would be welcome :-)

LibreOffice World Championship - Show us your skills!

You don't want to try with one module (at a time)?

200 million people around the world use LibreOffice to get their work done. Some are in businesses, some are in governments, and some are at home. Everyone has a different workflow, and we know that many great things are being achieved with the suite.

Great things could be maybe more specified to 'wonderful productive office work' or.. something less verbose ;)

And we want to see them! If you've done something awesome with LibreOffice that you'd like to show off, you can submit screenshots (or a video) to the LibreOffice World Championship. For instance:

We want to have real achievements.. so others should be able to reproduce the submitted stuff. Thus it may be needed to ask sample files or similar?

* Using macros to massively automate work in a spreadsheet or text document

* Applying funky physics effects in a presentation

* ...

(will come up with some later)

Let us know what you're doing, and we'll collect the best examples and showcase them here. Winners will get a cool LibreOffice sticker pack!

and a hoody and a mug.. ?

The deadline to submit is XXXXXX. (And, of course, please don't send any screenshots or video that include copyright or sensitive content.)

Click here to submit

Nice - thanks,

Cor Nouws
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