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Wallpapers and logos, transparent pngs are a great way to market. If I have
a cool LO/tdf wallpaper on my/our laptop (like the ones Debian has), people
would be curious about what it is about + it will keep me/us motivated for
not slacking, by reminding me/us the cause. (if that sounds reasonable).

*I did a google search for wallpapers (Libreoffice and tdf), and guess what
I found?*
*NOTHING. nothing that is in standard resolutions like 1920x1080 that I can
put on my screen and boast. *:*_|*
*It would be a good idea to create a community contest, or some twitter
invitation to all those who can do this to make (Cool
Eye-friendly)Wallpapers. Such that someone can put it on their screens and
be proud of being a part of the community.*

*And that pride will take the souls of proprietary software users (used in
disguise), and some/many of them will end up joining the community, and
this recursion doesn't have any base condition!*
*What do you think?*

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