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I don't think we have SVG icons for applications, but I might be wrong. Adding the LibreOffice design mailing list, where there are the people who can provide the SVG icons (if they exist). We at marketing do not have them.

On 18/09/23 04:47, Pratyush Jayachandran wrote:

I was looking for the SVG icons of all LibreOffice applications so that
they can be added to

The LibreOffice logo is already added to the repo here:

The application icons were requested in this issue:
But in order to add those icons, we would prefer to use the SVG from
official sources.

The project is primarily used by people wanting to display brand icons in
their GitHub profiles, social networks or hosted on any platform.
Sample badge:
Sample usage of badges in Readme:

The simple-icons project <>
itself is licensed under CC0-1.0 license
<> but
has the facility to add a license and brand guidelines link for each icon.
This document and link are available to users of the package and clearly
displayed on the website.

I would be grateful if your team can provide the SVG versions of the
application logos so they can be added to the project.

Yours thankfully
*Pratyush Mangalakattu*

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
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