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Hi Gorjan,

Copying the marketing mailing list, so that other volunteers active in this area can read your message, and Mike Saunders, who co-leads LibreOffice Marketing. I will be randomly connected until the weekend for personal reasons, but of course this doesn't mean that we won't be following up properly. There are a few other people who have sent similar messages, and we were thinking about a video call to onboard everyone, but we are close to the LibreOffice Conference in Bucharest and this means that we will probably postpone the call until early October.

In the meantime, you should subscribe to the marketing mailing list (just send an empty email message to using the email address you want to use for this task), and maybe follow LibreOffice telegram channels (there are several ones). Welcome to the community.

Best regards, Italo

On 05/09/23 21:41, Gorjan Lakaliski wrote:
Dear LibreOffice Marketing Team,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my interest in volunteering for the LibreOffice Marketing Team. Having closely followed the remarkable work of LibreOffice over the years, I am deeply inspired by the project's commitment to open-source software and its mission to provide free and accessible office productivity tools to users worldwide.

After reviewing your goals and objectives, I am convinced that my skills and passion align perfectly with the marketing initiatives of LibreOffice. I believe that effective communication and promotion are essential in spreading the word about this exceptional software and its benefits.

Here's how I believe I can contribute to the LibreOffice Marketing Team:


    *Community Engagement:* I am enthusiastic about keeping the
    LibreOffice community informed about project developments. I can
    help curate newsletters, blog posts, and updates to keep everyone
    in the loop.


    *Social Media Presence:* I can assist in enhancing LibreOffice's
    online presence through engaging content and regular updates. I
    can help manage social media accounts and engage with the community.


    *Promotional Operations:* While I may not have experience in press
    releases or graphic design, I am eager to learn and contribute to
    specific promotional operations. I can support the team in
    planning and executing campaigns to attract new users and engage
    with the existing community.

Regarding marketing materials, I am willing to assist in the creation and maintenance of the following:


    *Marketing Material:* I am eager to work alongside experienced
    team members to help develop official marketing materials for both
    The Document Foundation and LibreOffice.


    *LibreOffice Funding Challenge Resources:* I am open to
    collaborating with the team on banners, clip art, and other
    resources as needed.


    *Conference Kit:* I am excited about helping curate a
    comprehensive kit of documents and tools for conferences and
    related events.


    *LibreOffice 10/20 Campaign:* I am ready to contribute to the
    development of marketing materials for future campaigns under the
    guidance of experienced team members.

While I may not have extensive experience in certain areas, I am dedicated to learning and contributing to the LibreOffice Marketing Team's success. Please let me know how I can get involved and contribute effectively. I look forward to hearing from you and becoming a part of this incredible community.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Gorjan Lakaliski

Gorjan Lakaliski bul, "Jane Sandanski" nr 56-/8, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 -
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