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A quick intro. My name is Yoshi and I recently took interest in expanding LibreOffice market 
footprint in the US.

My background includes 40+ years in high tech starting with DEC (Digital Equipment Corp) so geeky 
interests me but not enough to learn code. I was originally a hw engineer but quickly transitioned 
to marketing/sales mgr because using computers interested me more than designing/building them.

I've been using LibreOffice for about 5 years and always wondered why its use wasn't more 
widespread in the US. For example, I recently attended a WP WordCamp and heard nary a word about 
LibreOffice. I'd like to change that.

Immediately, I'm trying to get a sense of how many copies of LibreOffice are in active use in the 
US. To do this, I'm registering for various Zoom meetings with Linux groups, startup entrepreneurs 
and SMB owners. My goal is to persuade PC mfgs to bundle LibreOffice with hw.

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