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Hi Libre Office Team, Any interest in joining us in March?

On Mon, Jan 2, 2023 at 12:00 PM Ilan Rabinovitch <> wrote:

Hi LibreOffice Friends,

SCALE is coming up on Mach 9-12, 2023 in Southern California. We would be happy to offer the 
LibreOffice community a table again if you are interested.

Now in its 20th year, SCALE is an annual volunteer/community run FOSS and Linux conference held 
in Southern California.  The event will be held March 9-12 at the Pasadena Convention Center. We 
expect to have a few thousand attendees join us from around the world to learn about FOSS, Linux, 
Security, DevOps, and more. (

If your project would be interested in a donated booth at the event, please reach out to and  We'd be happy to have you back.


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