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Hi all,

@Cor we agree with your comment, but as I told you before all the content
is based on how much feedback we have had from the community.
Here is the sitemap with the content:

All this is based from the pad opened during the first discussion marketing
call had:

We have add much more links than they were at the beginning. So it would
help a lot to have more feedback on this, and propose what should be added
more and what to change from there.

@Izabela since the code is still on Collective68 git, and you don't have an
account there, you can't clone it via SSH, only via https.
And now I think it will be migrated to LO git, so you can contribute
directly there.

Regarding background image, we agree with you it isn't gender inclusive, so
feel free to propose another photo which has a free license.

@Alberto welcome :)
In this thread we are discussing about a micro site for LibreOffice which
would attract new contributors and giving them options how they can
contribute to LibreOffice for example with documentstion, translation,
design etc how and where to do so.

Here is e a preview of the site until now:

What do you think?

Best regards,

Sidorela Uku
Open Labs Hackerspace Member
Web development at

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