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Today I uploaded some fixes to the ".soc" color palette files, I had placed on my web page.

Also, I created a Gold/Goldenrod related color set as a small color palette.

I would really like to have some comments so I can know what others think about these palettes.

My goal is to create specific color palettes that would help users deal with the massive color choices by name or by Hex-Code number.

LibreOffice has a specific color palette used in the branding of LO. There has been "talk" about the colors in branding LibreOffice's version 6.x.x. I would like to create a LibreOffice branding color set as a palette, which would help users use only the branded colors, as needed.

There an hundreds of thousands of colors that can be used. There are "official" named color sets created by different companies. I have downloaded many different PDF color palette documentation files over the years. Soon, I will have these PDF files listed on my web page.

So, please comment on these palettes. <>

This web page was originally for the North American DVD Project, but now used for other LibreOffice related "creations" and/or support.

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