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I've got only one other person helping for sure: J David Eisenberg
from San Jose.

If anyone more local to the event could come by for a few hours on
Saturday or Sunday to help out at the booth, we'd be very grateful to
have you along. An extra inducement is free entry to the full
conference; I'll need to give your name to the registration people.

My cell phone number is 805-637-0780.


On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 7:05 PM, Marc Paré <> wrote:
(US) Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) 2013

Location: Hilton Los Angeles Airport hotel, 5711 West Century Boulevard, Los
Angeles US 90045

Jean Hollis Weber will be at the conference and manning a booth, along with
some others (sorry, I just don't have your names handy right now). If you
are in the area, plan on dropping in, or even offer to help out! Contact
Jean for this.

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