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Marc Paré wrote on 2013-01-02 17:02:
Sorry, I have never been to CeBIT, but it looks like the participants
are mostly devs? Is this right? On their website -- they say in their
"history" notes that they have made the costs of attending prohibitive
with the express expectation that only professional people would attend.

as Volker pointed out, CeBIT is mostly a business trade show, with also lots of casual users showing up, but it's definitely not a development event.

What kind of staffing people would you need? It looks it would be best
if the LibreOffice booth people could speak EN, DE and FR. And should
they know LibreOffice at a dev level? Is so, should we be asking for
support on the dev list? Will the TDF defray costs of booth people?

The call mostly goes out to the German community, of course, but any English-speaking booth member is highly welcome. English and German are the two main languages spoken at CeBIT.


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