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On 02/01/2013, at 1:15, Immanuel Giulea <> wrote:

If not for the differences in licences, why should end-users choose LO over
AOO when migrating away from MSO? How is LO a "better product"?

One reason to choose LO over AOO is that we have (at this time) more user documentation, including 
in book form for those who like books. :-)

I tell people that the program they "should" choose depends on how they use an office suite; that 
is, what they want to use it for. For most people, IMO, there is no real difference between LO and 
AOO at this time. In some cases, LO has features that AOO doesn't have. (I don't know if AOO has 
features that are not in LO.) If those features matter to the person, then that's a reason to 
choose LO.

BTW, in the past few months, several people have contacted me asking for help to solve some problem 
they were having with AOO. I've said I no longer use it; I use LO, and I don't have their problem 
in LO. They then try LO and say it works for them too. :-)


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